Výber zo slovenskej maľby

"Všetko je súčasnosť. Aj to čo bolo, aj to čo bude." (nápis na zachovanom papyrusovom zvitku približne z pred 3 000 rokov.)

V čarovnom maďarskom meste Tamási, ktoré sa nachádza južne od Balatónu pripravila spoločnosť Artem ojedinelú výstavu. Výber zo slovenskej maľby. Výstava je otvorená od 3. decembra 2010. Dňa 15. decembra 2010 o 15:00 prebehne oficiálna vernisáž výstavy za prítomnosti vystavujúcich umelcov. Predovšetkým na toto stretnutie Vás aj Vašu milú rodinu srdečne pozývame. Výstavu si možno pozrieť do 14.1.2011.

Fotografie z vernisáže:

Download this file (tamasi10_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]181 kB
Read more: Výber zo slovenskej maľby

Britt Boutros Ghali - Paintings

Let us invite you to the Prague gallery Nová Síň to an exhibition of paintings by, an important Norwegian and world artist, living in Egypt. The vernissage will take place on Tuesday 23.11.2010 at 18.00. Britt Boutros Ghali will tak part at the exhibition together with her husband.

The exhibition will be a phenomenal cultural event in Prague. Value and attractiveness characterize work of one of the most important world representatives of abstract expressionism. (More information on the exhibition is in the attached invitation and the catalogue of exhibited works)


Event photographs:

Download this file (ghali10_kat.pdf)Katalóg[Catalogue]1977 kB
Download this file (ghali10_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]130 kB
Read more: Britt Boutros Ghali - Paintings

Anticipation of our future - II. part

Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Culturological company and Artem association and Prominens company invite you to a continuation of the exhibition Anticipation of our future, which took part on 26th Octobre 2010 at the "Gallery on Staircase" of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Hodžova street 1, Nitra.

Curator of the exhibition: PhDr. Ľuboslav Moza

The exhibition will last until 7th December 2010

Realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic.

Download this file (anticipacia10b_kat.pdf)Katalóg[Catalogue]2187 kB

Young pART - Výstava výtvarného umenia

Dovoľujeme si Vám oznámiť, že výtvarná skupina young pART a jej členovia Livklas, Michal Mráz, Vladimír Baláž vás pozýva na výstavu výtvarného umenia: maľba / socha.

Denne pondelok-piatok / 10:00-16:00 hod od 5.11. - 5.12.2010 v priestoroch budovy BIS Slovensko v Rovinke.

Výstava obsahuje 10tky obrazov, sochy. Diela sú predajné. Novinkou je možnosť kúpiť obrazy aj na splátky.

Download this file (youngpart10b_poz.jpg)Pozvánka[Invitation]74 kB

Kratochvíl Jiří - Journey to knowledge begins every day

"I will give you anything. Even my photogrpahs." (From a conversation of two lovers from the late 19th century)

For you on 4th November 2010 (Tuesday) at 17.00 in the Private BCPB Gallery.

Download this file (kratochvil10_poz.pdf)Pozvánka[Invitation]329 kB

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